9. Beautify your surroundings.
While you’re walking your dog, walking to your car, waiting for the bus or riding your bike take a moment and beautify where you are. Pick up a piece of garbage or 10 or 20, pull a weed or hammer in a nail. Every little bit helps but having the “I didn’t do it so I’m not picking it up” mind set doesn’t. Do your part and take pride in your neighborhood or work area.
10. Stretch.
Sitting for too long can cause joint and muscle pain, headaches and other aches and pains. A few times throughout the day stand up stretch out your arms, your back, your legs, and your neck. Be gentle and don’t over do it. Stretching should feel great and renew your energy. If you’d love to but can never remember set up a reminder in your calendar or set a timer for an hour. You’ll be glad you did.
坐得太久会导致关节以及肌肉疼痛、头疼和其他的疼痛。一天之内站起来几次伸展一下你的手臂、背部、腿和脖子吧。动作轻柔点,不要过度伸展。伸展能让你感觉重获能量。如果你喜欢伸展却经常忘了,那就在日历里设个备忘录或每小时定个闹钟。你以后肯定会感激自己的。 |